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About this website

We would welcome comments on the usefulness (or otherwise) of this website and any suggestions you may have for how it might be improved. Please send any comments to or you can write to us at:

English Heritage
Conservation Department
The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue, SWINDON SN2 2EH

We will not be able to reply substantively to comments received or offer advice on individual cases but we will use any feedback to inform the future development of the website.

If you would like to be notified of any future revisions to the website please email us at and we will add you to our mailing list.

About our work generally

English Heritage is the government’s advisor on the historic environment. We are consulted by local authorities and other bodies on a wide range of policy and development activities. Central to our role in the planning system is the advice we give to local planning authorities and Government departments on development proposals affecting listed buildings, conservation areas, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens.

We have a network of staff across England who have a wide range of skills, but it is neither possible nor necessary for us to engage with every planning issue. We will usually get involved only in schemes which include proposals with the potential for major change or damage to nationally important heritage assets.

Broadly speaking, English Heritage must be consulted on:

  • Listed building consent applications relating to a Grade I or II* listed building, or for demolition or partial demolition of a Grade II listed building.
  • Applications for planning permission for development which affects the setting of a Grade I or II* listed building and (in some circumstances) for development which affects the character or appearance of a conservation area or registered park or garden.
  • All applications for scheduled monument consent.

English Heritage welcomes initial or pre-application advice for the above types of application. In order to be able to offer detailed advice we need a full understanding of the proposed works so that we can assess their impact. In some circumstances we also need to understand why the changes are proposed. Providing us with as much relevant information as possible at the earliest stage in the development process saves everyone time and money.



Contacting us in the regions

English Heritage Regional Offices

North East

Bessie Surtees House
41-44 Sandhill
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3JF
Tel: 0191 269 1200

North West

Suites 3.3 and 3.4
Canada house
3 Chepstow Street
Manchester M1 5FW
Tel: 0161 242 1400


37 Tanner Row
York YO1 6WP
Tel; 01904 601901

West Midlands

The Axis
10 Holliday Street
Birmingham B1 1TG
Tel 0121 625 6820

East Midlands

44 Derngate
Northampton NN1 1UH
Tel: 01604 735400

East of England

24 Brooklands Avenue
Cambridge CB2 2BU
Tel: 01223 582700



1 Waterhouse Square
138-142 Holborn
London EC1N 2ST


South East

Eastgate Court
195-205 High Street
Guildford GU1 3EH
Tel: 01483-252000

South West

29 Queen Square
Bristol BS1 4ND
Tel: 0117 975 0700




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